Sunday, December 19, 2010

Stonetalon to Winterspring

Welcome to another edition of HulloBear pictures! These screenshots are already getting quite old; they were taken when I was between 25 and 55, and I'm 84 now.

Here is a Big Daddy (like from Bioshock). He had a couple of the plasmid powers, like Incinerate, Ice Beam (pictured), and telekinesis.

Bad goblins, trying to drop a bomb on some Alliance settlement. Good thing I got a ride on the balloon carrying it.

After sabotaging oil rigs, it's best to run away as fast as possible.

I think.... Alliance might be camped here? I dunno, I wish they'd give me a sign.

This place used to be pretty barren (well, it was called "the Barrens"). I guess Deathwing brought life to it somehow!

Ok well the green stuff is actually a problem. Some sort of infestation with tentacles. The worst kind.

Bubble-face cat is highly amused by walking underwater.

I think the yellow text says it all. (As a side note, gnomes and goblins are so very small.)

Then again, everything is small compared to this guy. See that tiny little dot close to his eye? That's me!

WTF momment O.o

This is just a funny looking fish.

I think I like these face-bubbles too much. Now all these baby windriders have them too!

Another wtf moment. That little robot is pretty violent.

This balloon is not carrying a bomb. It is carrying safety!

Sometimes I wonder if Blizzard names quest items strange things just to see if anyone pays attention.

Deathwing came! But apparently his rule of killing everything in sight does not apply to beaches.

This bug has bombs on it. Nasty bugs.

In this quest, I run errands as this knight's squire. (Spoiler! He kicks her off the cliff.)

What a lovely male blood elf damsel.

Spoiler! He kills the parrot. :(

Maybe he's just a little crazy.

We walked up to this "dragon", but then were at a loss for what we should do after that. At that point, the best solution the knight could come up with was to run away on horseback while throwing spare armor at the rampaging dinosaur. (That's why he's naked.)

Puppy has keys!

I was picking up some sort of technological gadget in a vast land of snow when I blacked out and found myself stuck to the ceiling of this cave with a yeti waiting below. Wait a second...

A statue of himself, out of ice. And cut with a sword! He must be so proud.

After this point, it's off to Outland, and Northrend, which are both old content, so not as many interesting things. Which I will post next!

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